About the Project

In Ukraine, most schools and orphanages located in rural areas are not equipped with computer room facilities simply due to lack of funding. Children do not have the opportunity to learn to use computers, which prevents them from acquiring knowledge and skills that would otherwise open doors for them in the future. As a result, the country has a low level of computer literacy among children living in rural areas.

“Computers for Ukraine” was created with the intention of mitigating this issue. The mission of this project is to give children in Ukraine an opportunity to learn and become computer literate.
The volunteers of “Computers for Ukraine” collect used computers from individuals and organizations, and ship them to Ukraine. Our partner volunteers in Ukraine receive and install the donated computers in schools and orphanages. They also teach children the basics of computer literacy and conduct programming competitions, seeding the foundations that can allow these children to choose information technology as their future profession.

This project is supported by Ukrainian Canadian Congress-Toronto, Canada-Ukraine International Assistance FundCanada Ukraine Foundation, EuroMaidan Canada, Taras Shevchenko Ukrainian Community Center in Toronto and the volunteer organization “Charity Initiative”.

Together – let’s build a more prosperous Ukraine!